
Offender Progress Online (OPS)

I love it, I can’t imagine going back to the old way of doing things after using this system.

Klamath County, OR

With budget cuts coming here in Linn County we are losing a position here in my office and that means no help for me. The tracking system has really helped me streamline the intake process and keep all the needed information in one place. Generating letters and reports are quick and easy. I think the thing that most excited me was the fact that my outside agencies could get online and report hours worked! They all love it and so do I. My oldest person reporting hours online is 79 yrs old and I walked her through the process beautifully, she loves it!!!

Shelly Patton, Linn County Sheriff's Office

Going green and paperless is the future, it is going to happen. We see it already in our medical fields. I am excited to have this system already in place and am learning how to think outside the box and do things differently. You don't realize how different you have to do things when there is no paper involved. The state is already talking about going paperless and so is our DA's Office. So it is coming and I am on top of the game.

Shelly Patton, Linn County Sheriff's Office
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